Credit Building
Woman at home reading her credit report

How Payment History Affects Your Credit Score & Financial Future

Paying bills on time may seem like a simple task, but it holds immense power over your long-term financial success. When it comes to understanding how payment history impacts credit score, there are a few things to know.

Woman holding a coffee and researching personal loans on her tablet

What Credit Score Do You Need for a Personal Loan?

Need funds fast? A personal loan can be a lifesaver - find out if there is a certain credit score needed to get a personal loan.

A man and woman researching what is a good credit score on their cellphone

What is a good credit score? Everything You Need to Know

What is a good Credit Score? What is a credit score? Before discussing what might be considered a good credit score and credit score ranges, it could be helpful to briefly review how credit scores work. Consumer credit scores are based on the information in a credit report from...

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How Installment Loans Can Help Improve Your Credit Score

Ways Installment Loans Could Help Improve Your Credit Score Installment loans can help improve your credit because they can positively impact some of the key factors that go into calculating your credit score. Two primary things to recognize about installment loans are that they are a longer-term financial commitment, and...

Women using cell phone

10 Steps to Rebuild Your Credit Score Fast

We've spoken with a panel of experts to help sort out the best ways to rebuild credit

Person reviewing the information on their credit card

How Closing an Old Credit Card Affects Your Credit Score

Think twice before canceling that oldest credit card you no longer use. Closing a credit card account could put you in better control of your finances, but it might also ding your credit score.

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