December 27, 2023
You may be surprised to learn that garage sales have been around since the early 1800s. A longstanding American tradition, these types of sales originated in the shipping yards as a way to sell unclaimed cargo at discounted prices. They became wildly popular in the 50s and 60s when people started to move to the suburbs and accumulate goods in excess.
Today, garage sales are still going strong, generating over $4.2 million every week.
Although the overall estimated price of a garage sale item is only $.85, a successful garage sale can generate a healthy chunk of change—especially during the summer months when garage sale season is in full swing.
To learn how to make your next one profitable, check out these 23 garage sale tips, featuring advice from a variety of experts on planning, organizing, advertising, pricing, and much more. Our top five garage sale FAQs are also full of suggestions on how you can bring in extra money.
Your garage sale has a much better chance of being successful if you do some legwork early, so start decluttering! That means the bulk of your efforts should take place well before the big day—at least a week or two in advance. “Go through your entire house a few weeks before your sale and start putting aside items you will be selling,” says celebrity home stager and best-selling author Tori Toth.
When choosing a day (or days) for your yard sale, make sure to consider the timing and the weather. “Check the weather forecast ahead of time and make sure the day is pleasant,” counsels Chhavi, a blogger for Mrs Daaku Studio. “A pleasant day would mean more people on the street!”
“If you can start on Thursday evening, go for it — but at least try to get the party started Friday. That way you can catch people on their way to drop kids off at school or on their way to and from work,” suggests well-known couponer and budgeter The Krazy Coupon Lady.
“If you live off grid or live far away from a busy street, it can be difficult to sell off the items quickly,” says Chhavi. “So, if you are planning a summer garage sale, choose your location carefully. You can look at alternatives like your friend’s or relative’s house for a few hours. Remember, the busier the better for the business.”
Multi-family garage sales often translate to extra cash. According to Chris Michaels of the Frugal Reality website, “It’s always much more successful if you can band together several neighbors to sell as a group. A larger sale will offer a wider variety and draw a more diverse group of buyers who may stumble on additional items you have for sale.”
“As soon as you know the date and times for your garage sale, start advertising!” say budgeting gurus Brittany and Kelan Kline of The Savvy Couple. “There are so many free ways to advertise for your garage sale. Craigslist is the first place I would start. Start your ad with just the dates and times. This way you feel committed to the sale and people can plan their routes. Then as you finish up decluttering and you have your sale set-up you can upload pictures.”
There are also a number of websites now devoted entirely to buying and selling local items online. “Today, free apps like 5miles and Yard Sale Treasure Map allow local sellers to advertise their upcoming sales—and shoppers to find them,” according to Eric Kuhns of 5miles.
Fine arts appraiser Helaine Fendelman also suggests advertising in your local newspaper, on local radio stations, on community bulletin boards and even in antiques publications.
“Signage can make or break a yard sale,” advises Pam Holland, member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and owner of the Clutter Free Now website. “It doesn't have to be expensive: you just want to be smart. Signage works best if it is in a consistent bright color (poster board can be purchased at many dollar stores.) Your signs should be readable from a car at a distance.”
Your signs should also include your address, an arrow pointing to your location, and ideally a personal touch to entice drivers to stop by. However, don’t cram your sign with so much information that passersby can’t read it.
“Convey your information with thick, black block letters,” says professional interior decorator Leah French, writing for The Spruce. “Yard sale signs with a white background aren't as noticeable, and letters of a single marker width aren't thick enough to read from a moving car.”
“While posting colorful signs on telephone poles is great advertisement, there are laws prohibiting this in many areas, so check in to see what local laws are in your area about holding and advertising yard sales,” says Tori Toth.
Though permits are pretty cheap, fines for bypassing them may not be, so it’s worthwhile to check.
“It's important that every item is marked with a price tag, and that the price is visible to anyone visiting the garage sale,” says Nathan Ripley, who runs the San Diego-based house cleaning service Maid Just Right. “It's also good to bundle items and sell them with a 3-for-1 marking. For example, old VHS or DVDs can be bundled like that, and they'll more likely sell that way.”
“It helps to price items by category to keep it simple,” adds the Krazy Coupon Lady. “For example, make all clothes $3 and all books $1. For anything more expensive, mark it with an obvious price tag.”
According to The Savvy Couple, “Pricing your items to sell is important as you are trying to get rid of them. As you are pricing, think as if you were the buyer at another garage sale, how much would you pay for the item you are pricing?”
Chris Michaels of 5miles adds, “After curating the items you wish to sell, research the sale price of comparable items — new and used — listed online. This way, you can ensure that your items will be priced fairly, competitively.”
If you have expensive items like jewelry or antiques that you want to sell, your garage sale may not be the best — or safest — venue.
“Consider selling higher-value items individually, through a local classified website, rather than a yard sale,” advises Miranda Marquit of the budgeting blog Wisebread. “You're more likely to find people willing to buy the items and pay a better price than you would at a yard sale.”
“Make sure your wares are clean,” says Jennifer Snyder, certified professional organizer and owner of the organizing and cleaning company Neat as a Pin. “You can get more money for clean toys than dirty toys, clothes, housewares, etc.”
This also goes for the space you’ll be using. “Make sure you clean your garage, vacuum any dust, air it so it's easy to breathe and remove any unnecessary items stored there,” adds Maids Just Right’s Nathan Ripley.
“It is common for professional garage sale hunters to arrive very early,” says Frugal Reality’s Chris Michaels. “It is also common for them to ring on your doorbell if you are a minute late.”
“Before opening the doors to your garage sale it's very important to have everything organized and sorted,” says Nathan Ripley. “A chaotic or messy garage sale will not attract as many people, or they will give up while searching for something particular in the mess.”
Angi (formly known as Angie's List), a company that helps people connect with local service providers, recommends grouping items together as if you were running a retail store. “Some of your departments might include collectibles, tools, furniture, sporting goods, decor, linens, kitchen electronics, books, toys and framed photos.”
“Only display very large items on the ground,” adds Jennifer Snyder. “You want to have as much as possible at eye level.”
“If you are holding a true ‘garage sale,’ the first step is to make sure your garage is ready,” says The Savvy Couple. “If you are holding it in your driveway or yard, mow the lawn and spend some time making sure the outside of your house is presentable.”
It also helps to “have good music playing,” says fine arts appraiser Helaine Fendelman.
The Krazy Coupon Lady agrees. “People who spend money on unplanned purchases tend to buy more when there is music in the background,” she says. “Set up a speaker and a Spotify or Pandora playlist and you’re all set.”
“This one step is often forgotten in the hustle of getting the garage sale ready,” according to The Savvy Couple. They advise having the following amounts of change available:
In the heat of the summer, what’s better than a complimentary ice-cold water while you shop? Keep it COVID-19 safe with individual water bottles and prepackaged snack bags for your customers to munch on while they browse.
“Serve coffee and have water available,” advises Helaine Fendelman. “Cookies are a treat, too.”
Let’s face it: everyone loves a free treat. Use that business strategy to get potential buyers to check out your sale.
“People are more likely to approach a garage sale when they see delicious goodies,” agrees The Krazy Coupon Lady. “It puts people in a friendlier mood and makes them more willing to make a purchase.”
“Have item specs, sizes, etc. readily available for shoppers, as well as a tape measure handy for measuring any furniture pieces,” advises 5miles’ Eric Kuhns. “Also, offer prospective buyers a chance to test out items—e.g. opening an umbrella to make sure it works, plugging in a curling iron to show that it heats up, or starting up that lawn mower you have for sale.”
One caveat: Don’t be too friendly or hover—no one likes to be followed around, whether it’s at a clothing boutique or a yard sale. Be cordial, say hello, and offer help when asked, but otherwise let your customers meander at leisure.
“Most sellers want the stuff out of their house while making a few dollars,” says Chris Michaels. “It's worth advertising that everything will be half-price or negotiable for the last two hours of the day. Every extra dollar you get at the end of the day is more than you started the day with.”
“Start cutting prices about an hour before your sale ends,” adds The Krazy Coupon Lady. “A great way to do this is to sell everything 50% off the marked price. Make sure you make a sign for this so it’s obvious to the shoppers.”
Chances are that most folks who show up to your garage sale are just looking for a bargain, but it’s still a good idea to take a few precautions. “Recruit family or friends to help customers and keep an eye out for thieves,” counsels Tori Toth. “And remember to keep the windows and doors of your home locked to avoid intruders.”
Adds Chris Michaels, “Keep one person stationary at a table who collects and keeps the money safe. If one person is running it alone, a thief can either distract the seller from the items or the money.”
Having a small cash box or wearing a fanny pack will keep your money organized and out of sight from any potential troublemakers.
“The only time it might be worth keeping an item that didn’t sell is if you know you can sell it on Craigslist or eBay for a quick profit,” adds The Savvy Couple. “You were selling everything for a reason, to organize and minimize.”
“At the end of the yard sale, using your inventory, check off what didn't sell and consider taking it to a thrift shop,” says Wisebread’s Miranda Marquit. “You can donate the items for a tax break if you itemize. You can use your inventory as part of your record-keeping for the IRS.”
When your garage sale is in the rear-view mirror, give yourself a pat on the back and take some time to relax. Garage sales are a lot of work, and you deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Just try to avoid the temptation of going right out and spending all the money you just made. Instead, deposit the cash into your savings account and consider using at least a portion of it to pay down any outstanding debt. Your pocketbook — and your summer budget — will thank you later.
These garage sale FAQs pack an extra punch— and help you turn a few days of work into a handsome profit.
According to Best Garage Sale Tips, stick with the 10% rule when filling out your price stickers. If something is in good condition or brand-new, price it between 10% and 20% of its retail value. If you want a successful yard sale, a great rule of thumb is to keep most of your items under $5. People are more willing to buy lower-priced items than make one or two big-ticket purchases. Don’t forget to use the well-loved thrift store trick: pricing small items at $0.25 with a “buy 5 for $1” sign. People love a deal!
Baby clothes are a huge garage sale hit, as are gently used kid’s toys and furniture. Tools, yard equipment and bikes are also crowd favorites, in addition to quirky plant containers and unique decor. Many DIY-lovers shop rummage sales for inspiration, so consider selling any funky furniture that you’ve grown tired of. It could be a perfect fit for someone else!
Avoid selling outdated electronic equipment like computers, cameras, and clunky TVs. Personal items like bras, underwear, swimsuits and similar items should also be donated instead of sold. Stuffed animals, used makeup or toiletries, and anything that is torn, dirty, or cracked should be tossed or donated. Imagine yourself shopping at someone else’s yard sale — if you wouldn’t enjoy seeing an item on display, you should not be selling it at your sale.
On sale day, make sure you’re organized and ready to open on time — or early! Rummage sales always bring out early birds looking for a deal. On the morning of the sale, make sure you’re ready to capitalize on extra cash from those sunrise sales. As the day continues, be prepared to negotiate prices with customers. Consider adding a “half off” or “make an offer” option for the final hour of the sale. If a customer says he or she will come back later to pick up larger items like lawnmowers and TVs, put “SOLD” signs on the item. Flexibility is the name of the game when you’re hosting a garage sale.
Our final tip is an ace-in-the-sleeve: set out a large box, fill it with items you can’t sell and use a thick sharpie to mark it FREE. Everyone loves free stuff. A big free box can get customers through the door — or up the driveway — and they’ll be browsing your for-sale wares in no time! Bonus: your free box is almost guaranteed to be empty by the end of the day.
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December 27, 2023
February 10, 2023